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Traveling in the age of Covid-19

As of today, traveling is still a scary thing to do, right? Traveling during Covid-19 heightens everyone's fear of getting the virus. I have held off for many months now in promoting travel for 2020. I really wanted to keep my clients safe, they mean the world to me. I also wanted to be educated and informed on the new procedures that would be going into place with airlines, hotels, and resorts.

Recently, I have started to promote travel for 2021, why you may ask? There is no vaccine yet. That is true as of today, the vaccine is still in process of trials and will then need to be approved, when then, it will need to be manufactured and distributed out to the masses, but travel should now be being booked for next year to the destinations accepting travelers.

Safety Protocols have been put into place to keep travelers as safe as possible, social distancing, masks, and cleaning are just a few examples of changes that have been made.

A couple days ago, I was able to catch an interview with the CEO of American Airlines, he was able to provide stats that of the hundreds of thousands of people have traveled by air and only four people had been traced back to possibly contracting the virus during a flight. He was extremely proud of the work his employees had done to make air travel as safe as it can be.

My friends at AMResorts, along with almost all other resort companies have also put into place their own Safety Protocols and have had them verified by third parties to make sure they are all in compliance. Check out the video to see how they are now Clean Complete.

It will take us all to help one another travel again, one of the most important things about traveling is having piece of mind. Many times people are traveling to destinations they have never been before and where they do not speak the language. It brings some trepidation to the traveler leading up to their trip. Now, they also have to worry about the virus. Wear Shades Travel is here to help with a traveler's piece of mind. I would only send people to a destination and resort that have the traveler's best interest at hand. I pride myself on thoroughly researching each location I send my clients to. These are just a few of the reasons I have started to promote travel again.

The last reason is that the price points are still much lower at this point, booking now for travel next year will most likely save travelers greatly, or allow them to travel longer, or add in additional tours and excursions for the same price travel was in the past. Also, choosing the correct Travel Insurance is key to help protect your future travel plans.

As always I and other Travel Consultants are here to help, but in times like these why would anyone go at it alone. If you are looking to travel, be sure to reach out, as each Island or Destinations has their own rules in allowing travelers into their countries.

I so look forward to getting back to "normal" as this year has been a struggle, but until then let's all do our part to get people back to traveling the world and making memories to last a lifetime. Wear a mask when you are around other people, social distance whenever possible, and just be a kind human being. It will go a long way to bringing back "normal" sooner then later.

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